garner narrative reopens Wednesday May 20, with some adjustments in how we welcome guests. The biggest change is that we will be By Appointment through the conclusion of the election season; we will re-evaluate next January. In this way we ensure only one person or contact group at a time is in the gallery. We will not have receptions. We will make every effort to handle your visit with only one socially-distant & masked staff person. Hand sanitizer is available as you enter the door, as well as disposable masks should you wish one. The back third of our gallery is closed to guests, as our narrow hallway and other challenges make social distancing and other risk-management strategies too difficult. This will not impact our changing shows. If you collect, we don't need to touch our particular card reader to process your sale; receipts will be digital. You may also pay by check, or pay by card over the phone. In the case of a delivery or install, we will work with you about how to manage risk in your particular environment. Our gallery hours are shifting somewhat, Wed-Sun 1-6. Appointments are available by text, voicemail or email. Walk-up appointments will be given whenever available; contact information is below and posted on the gallery door. (502) 303-7259 [email protected] Keith Waits for Arts-Louisville gave me the opportunity to discuss at length about what COVID means for the gallery and for contemporary and fine art more generally. Please have a read, and while you are at it like and follow Arts-Louisville if you don't already. Best wishes & stay well! More to come soon about our next show of textile art by Mary Craik. Angie Reed Garner 7/14/2020 11:37:09 am
I am so excited for this gallery opening. I am a huge fan of the events that you have hosted, which is why I plan on going to this event. I am also a huge fan of art, which is the reason why I would probably enjoy this even more. If you can give me a seat in the front, then I would definitely appreciate that. I hope that this gallery becomes a smashing success for you guys out there! Comments are closed.