Here's a last look at Tim Crowder's lovely show. Thank you Tim!
Art's both a tricky gift to get and give, and what some of us want in our lives more than anything else. How to negotiate this impasse? Here is what we have personally seen to work. GIFTEE and GIFTER BROWSE ART together. We can help make the gift a complete surprise or handle it all with the giftee standing right there - we follow your lead. For a surprise, snap a photo or remember a few details about their favorites, and contact us; we know the artists we represent and can almost always figure out which works you saw. We'll send photos and prices, and hold whatever you select until you pick it up or we deliver or ship to you. COME IN BY YOURSELF, CHOOSING FOR YOURSELF: A REGISTRY Pick out the right art for yourself and your space (you know best!), let us know, and point your giftgiver toward the gallery. We will keep track of your picks and work out the business with them. For folks who aren't shy saying what they REALLY want for the holidays: a REGISTRY for a crowdsourced purchase, with an online payment option. The gallery reserves the artwork (if it is preselected - it does not have to be) and generates an online link where folks near and far may contribute toward an art purchase, a little or a lot. We keep track of who helped give you your art, so you know who to thank. This strategy also works well for birthdays, anniversaries, and any time you are in danger of being given stuff you don't want or need meanwhile living without the art you know is right. PAYMENTS We take cash, checks, credit cards, and are happy to work out payments. Once half paid for, the artwork comes to live with you. Finally, the highwire adrenaline giftgiving strategy: GIFTER JUST COMES IN AND BUYS SOMETHING THE GIFTEE HAS NEVER EVER SEEN. Doesn't your heart pound, just to read that? It's amazing but this strategy has worked out well and we can't exactly explain why. These folks must really know how to get it right for the person they collect for - they know their favorite color, favorite animal, something. We can provide a bit of a safety net if we talk about it in advance. While we are not set up for returns (we can't un-pay an artist—wouldn't it be horrifying if we could?) some art can be easily exchanged for another piece by the same artist. We can tell you if that is the case or if you need to consider the sale final. You can also pick out a placeholder gift artwork, give that on your special day, and let the giftee know that they may exchange it for something they like even better. We wish you Joyous Art Gifting! (502) 303-7259 (voicemail or text - a call will be returned ASAP!)
[email protected] |