place 4066 The Meth Dance
digital chromogenic print, approx 10.5" x 13.5” $95 This is a night view of an entry into the port lands. It's one of the places where trucks pick up to carry goods inland and, often enough, into the US. The port lands are owned and managed by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, a Crown Corporation. Crown Corporations are legal entities created to manage businesses, theoretically for the benefit of all Canadians, but of course they are corporations and so their bottom line is the bottom line. They have no compunction about creating situations that are legal but socially harmful, like this intersection running trucks through a heavily traveled residential corridor. Often enough I'll see someone doing that weird shuffling dance across the intersection while trucks whiz past — there's really nowhere for them to stop and wait — and I dread the day I see it go all wrong. Learn more about the artist and this show here. Comments are closed.