place 0550 Urban Wildlife
digital chromogenic print, approx 10.5" x 13.5” $95 We're not accustomed to thinking of ourselves as part of urban ecology, but when you become attuned to it, you can gauge the affluence of an area without even glancing at the buildings. Rats are an obvious example, but to me the plants are more telling. The plants of poverty around here are mostly non-native invasive species — Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) being the most obvious. It forms dense, impenetrable thickets ideal for rats, songbirds, and other small critters, but it's also the choice of a lot of urban campers because the police generally don't want to wade into a sea of thorns to evict someone. The berries are edible, too, and delicious; some people see them as food and gather them, others see them as "attracting pests.” Ironically, the original native flora and fauna persist only in areas where a lot of money is spent to keep it that way. Learn more about the artist and this show here. Comments are closed.