place 5726 Reserved
digital chromogenic print, approx 10.5" x 13.5” $95 Vancouver occupies land that was traditionally the territory of the Musqueam and other Coast Salish people. It was never ceded in any of the recognized ways. First Nations (indigenous; Native Canadian) people in BC experience marked inequalities as a result of generational oppression and systemic racism. This photo was taken on the day the "Truth and Reconciliation Report" was issued by the government. Looked at optimistically, it's an acknowledgment of the atrocities committed over the last ~300 years by colonial forces. The term genocide is used, and is in my opinion accurate, but of course that caused immediate angry rejection of the entire report and all its findings by many nonnative and some native people. Will it lead to any substantive change? Wait 'n' see. Learn more about the artist and this show here. Comments are closed.